Thursday, May 20, 2010

Loving Someone Doesn't Make Them Love You

So, I cleaned my boyfriends apartment, with no thanks of course, I went to work, and now I am sitting home alone. I don't work on Fridays. I'm also 21 years old, and like every other night of my life I am sitting at home.
There's this guy. (There's always a guy.) We have been talking for a year, and he doesn't want a relationship. That should be my sign, right? Wrong. I'm not so sure what's left for us. I love him and want to be with him, but if we are stuck in the same place we have been for months and aren't moving forward... then what can I do? Where do I go from here? I already feel like I put all of the work into this, so I guess it is all on me. It's like every two weeks he gets tired of me. After a week or two of him being around but staying "distant", it's like I'm a princess. The best thing that has ever walked through his door. I want that all the time! I think I deserve that too. I'm tired. Tired of this. I want more. But I'm too scared to ask for it, because I don't want to lose him. But I guess if he doesn't want the same things I do then it's not going to work anyways. I'm too scared to face that fact. i don't want to find out it's true. I like feeling wanted, even if it's not to the callabor that I want it. I like feeling needed, even if his motives are wrong. I need someone right now. I'm afraid to be alone. And I'm sorry to him that I just happened to fall in love with him, because that sticks him in the role of the someone I need. I can't let go. I'm addicted, and he is something I have to have to survive. But what if i can't have him? How do I let go? What kind of rehab would I go to in this situation? How would I survive? I don't want to cling to someone I don't even care about just to get over him. I guess I mean... I don't want a rebound, whether it be guy or just a random friend. Honestly when I look at guys, no one really compares to him. Especially in looks. I think, a year ago, I just wanted to be in love with him. I liked the idea of it. But now, dear God, now I'm so deeply in love with him. It's bigger than me and no longer under my control. But I'm not sure I want this feeling anymore, because it hurts too bad knowing he doesn't love me back. It's an amazing, unbelievable pain. It makes my thoughts cloudy or insane. I don't even know what to do with myself the majority of the time. But I do know I love him with every ounce of my being. Is love really worth this fall I'm taking? I sure hope so, because i can't fly, so I guess I'm stuck falling. I hope the landing isn't too much more painful than what I'm feeling now.
Hard lesson learned: Loving someone doesn't make them love you.

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